Associate Teams Made Easy

It's time to scale your business, work less, and make more money.

grow your team with this exclusive, bespoke coaching program. Together, we'll scale your business, put more money in your pocket, and get your saturdays back.

You work so hard and you are killing it—you really are. Your work is exceptional, your calendar is full, and your client experience is stellar. Everything you have worked so hard for has come to fruition.

You, my friend, have arrived. You are a self-employed artist and are living the dream.

But, let’s be real for a minute. 

Aren’t you feeling a teeny, tiny bit overworked? You book as many weddings as your schedule allows and you edit late into the night, every night (watching Schitt's Creek or The Office on repeat). 

Double and triple-headers aren’t unheard of, and you single-handedly keep Icy-Hot in business with all of your post-wedding aches and pains (hello, wedding hangover).

You thought being successful would feel more... successful. 

Hey, burned-out wedding photographer over there. Yeah, you, with the cold cup of coffee. I’m talking to you. 

The truth is that if you are the sole employee of your business, then you are maxed out on growth. Being the sole employee makes sense when you start your business, but at some point, you will max out being an operation of one and need to plan how you'll grow. 

You've been thinking about bringing on a team of associates but don’t know where to begin.

Not sure what's next?

You're almost fully booked for 2022 weddings and turning away couples who are inquiring about dates you're unavailable.

Calendar at capacity?

You're ready to scale your business, but just the idea of booking more weddings for yourself makes you want to cry.

Over-booked blues?

Are you struggling with...

Make MORE money by shooting less. Yes, it's real.

I raised my income by 41% the first year I hired an associate.

In 2022, I'm bringing in TRIPLE the revenue I'd be making if I were only booking weddings for myself.

I'm here to show you how it's done.

You can do other forms of photography during the week, which is great, but it still means more editing, more content creation, and more work. Haven't we already established that you're working too much?

You can raise your prices (if you're fully booked, this is your sign you should absolutely raise your prices!). But increasing your prices will only narrowly add to your bottom line. 

You can book more weddings. But we all know there are only so many weekends in a year. And truly, do you want to add any more weddings to your already-packed calendar?

There are other ways to bring in extra income...

My life came to a head when, in 2014, I found myself working six weddings in 10 days. Yes, really. It was bananas. Even before that sixth wedding client had cut the cake and tossed the bouquet, I knew something had to change.

I was just like you: Working every weekend, taking 40 weddings a year, and turning away business on days I was already booked. I was leaving money on the table and running myself into the ground.

Hi, I'm Emily, your previously overworked photographer and now business boss of a team of five associates.

Fast forward to today. I shoot 15 weddings a year myself. My team of associates covers around 40 or more.

And I bring in an extra six figures each year compared to when I was shooting weddings solo. And I want to show you EXACTLY how you can have the same results.

After I had sufficiently recovered, I got back to work—but this time to figure out a way to keep the money coming in without sacrificing all of my time, my health, and my sanity. 

The answer: associate photographers.

My gross income grew by leaps and bounds when I added associates to the Anna Delores brand.  

In 2014, I was working myself into the ground, all alone. 

I began adding associates to my team in 2015, decreasing my own workload but adding more total weddings for the company. 

In the first two years of adding associate photographers, I was able to DOUBLE my business income. 

For 2022, we're projected to TRIPLE the revenue that would be coming in if I was only booking weddings for myself.  

Those, my friend, are some serious stats. 

Let's talk MONEY, honey.

Cat Deline, Deline PhoToGraphy

I just brought on two associates, and I'm booking at least 10 additional weddings for my brand for next year—it’s because Emily gave me the confidence to go for it! She is approachable, her teaching style is great, and this program is worth the investment. She walked us through each step, even the hard ones and the difficult decisions. 

Cat Deline, Deline Photography

I don't want to shoot 40 weddings a year anymore. I still want my couples to feel comfortable and taken care of, even if it's not with me. I had no idea how to put one foot in front of the other. Emily’s smooth, informative, well-laid-out coaching gives real life examples; I want to learn from someone who's been through the hard stuff and can help me as well. 

It may sound like a fantasy.

But I promise it's real, and I know because I'm doing it myself.

Imagine this: it’s a beautiful, sunny Saturday. You’ve slept in, waking lazily and relaxed. You swing your legs out of bed and stretch. 

Instead of checking your phone and starting the mad rush to get ready for your weekly wedding, you curl back up under the covers, maybe even grabbing your sweet little puppy for a long snuggle. You text a friend for a happy hour date later, because those are the only plans you want to make (if any!).

A Saturday off is pretty amazing—and pretty rare. But even better than a weekend off, this isn’t a lost weekend of income. Not even close. 

You, my dear, sweet, SMART, business woman, actually have not one, but three weddings this weekend… that you aren’t shooting. Your associates are. 

All you have to do is relax and enjoy your weekend off, and the money is still coming in.


It may sound like a fantasy.

But I promise it's real, and I know because I'm doing it myself.

This can be you, too.

Let's recap, shall we?

1. No work on a Saturday.
2. Still making money.
3. Enjoying your life.

Megan Ellis, Megan Ellis Photography

I was selling associate packages within two weeks of our first meeting. I was honestly so confused about how to market associates and Emily made it so much less overwhelming. She has so many amazing ideas and really takes the time to walk through everyone's own specific situation. I now have an associate team in both Knoxville and Key West!

Megan Ellis, Megan Ellis Photography

Emily is a wealth of information and a great confidence builder. I am not interested in continuing the grind of shooting weddings every weekend anymore. Likewise, I didn't want to walk away from this business that I have worked so hard to build and have been toying with the idea of building an associate team for awhile. 

Megan Ellis, Megan Ellis Photography

Having been a business of one for so long, I was unsure of how to market this new service to potential clients. Enter Emily and Associate Teams Made Easy. I am now building associate teams in two locations and have plans to take only 10 weddings myself next year. It feels so amazing to be able to continue my business and work less!


Your calendar is fully booked (or close to it), and you are turning away inquiries. 

Great question.  

“So Emily," you ask, “how do I know if my business is ready for associates?"

And if you have to ask, spoiler alert—you're probably ready! But just in case, here are five indicators of your readiness to start building your empire.

You are in demand.


Knowing your numbers is a critical component of running a successful associate team (and one we will talk about in depth during the program), so having a good grasp of your numbers is imperative. 

“So Emily," you ask, “how do I know if my business is ready for associates?"

You understand your profits.


Using Excel for new client inquiries and payment due dates just isn’t going to cut it. CRMs help keep track of everything from invoicing to communication and will be the most low-stress way to manage your forthcoming growth. 

“So Emily," you ask, “how do I know if my business is ready for associates?"

You're using a client relationship manager (CRM).


You're ready to be the boss instead of just the sole employee.

Having an associate team means letting go of control, delegating, and trusting your associates to be in charge on a wedding day. This isn’t for everyone so really ask yourself, do you want to be the boss? 

“So Emily," you ask, “how do I know if my business is ready for associates?"

You want to actually be the ceo.


You know you and your business are destined for greatness. Some business owners are content with where they are, or are truly happy with their current workload and money coming in.

But if you aren’t feeling settled with where you are right now, don’t ignore that feeling. 

“So Emily," you ask, “how do I know if my business is ready for associates?"

YOu have the ambition to grow.

You can keep booking more weddings. 

Or keep raising your prices and hope you book more.

You can stay on the same path of overwork and exhaustion. 

Or, you can make a change and start growing your team. The new year really can be the start of a beautiful business. One that you work ON instead of IN. One that fulfills you instead of burning you out. 

One that you are excited about building.

You are at a crossroads in your business. It's time to make a choice, and something has to change.

This is not just another online course. 

This is a LIVE coaching program that meets weekly for the most detailed, straightforward associate coaching available. 

This is a one-of-a-kind opportunity to learn exactly what to do (and what not to do) to get your associate program off of the ground and on to success. 

Associate Teams Made Easy

Let's start building your dream team.

The only comprehensive training that walks you through every step of building an associate program destined for success.

Book ONE associate wedding, and the program pays for itself.

three payments


one-time payment


✓ Market associate packages to prospective clients

✓ Price your associate packages for profit and sustainability

✓ Calculate how much to pay your associates

✓ Find the best candidates for your brand and conduct interviews

✓ On-board associates and prepare them for success with your company

✓ Create workflows and systems to ensure your associates give clients the same exceptional service you do

✓ Communicate effectively and efficiently to become the world's best boss

You'll learn how to:

All of the live trainings will be recorded and saved in your own online portal with unlimited forever access.

Online access to all content

Learn from my mistakes so you don’t waste time (and money). I’ll walk you through my tried and true process for finding the best associates for your brand. 

Step-by-step hiring processes

We will meet once a week for six weeks for a detailed and structured training, leaving substantial time at the end for any questions. No topic is off limits!

Live weekly trainings

Here’s what you’ll get:

✓ Direct access to me via Marco Polo to ask ANY questions you have, any time!

✓ Client email sequences for associate team wedding inquiries

✓ Associate pricing page example

✓ The same job descriptions I've used to hire my own associates

✓ Email templates and interview questions for job candidates

✓ Independent contractor agreement template

✓ The Anna Delores Associate Orientation Manual

In addition to the live weekly trainings, you'll receive:

On top of the live trainings, access to the recordings, and all of my associate team resources, we'll begin the program with a one-on-one strategy call.

This 90-minute bonus session will address the unique elements of your business to determine the best approach for YOU to build your team.

You'll also have direct access to me via Marco Polo for the duration of the program to answer questions you have along the way!

BONUS: One-on-one strategy call

valued at over $7,000

All the included trainings, resources, and bonuses on their own add up to content

Your enrollment in Associate Teams Made Easy gives you everything you need to launch, market, and manage your associate photography team for an investment of...

three payments


one-time payment


molly mccauley, molly + co

My biggest worry was finding associates that I could trust with my business and level of service, but with Emily’s guidance on hiring, onboarding, and training, I now can send my photographers into a wedding day knowing that our clients will truly get the Molly + Co experience. 


I’ve considered adding associate photographers in the past and realized how much money was being left on the table. With the expansion of my business now serving both coasts, this was the perfect time to implement a more solid plan to keep business rolling in Southern California. 


Enter Associate Teams Made Easy. Having access to Emily and her knowledge on how to successfully set up and run an associate program, I felt confident refining my associate offerings and taking on more volume without having to physically travel myself. 

If you can’t make a call, good news! All of the trainings are recorded so you can revisit them at any time. 

You'll have unlimited lifetime access to all our recorded live trainings and materials included in the program, so you can always revisit any of the topics we cover! 

What if I can't make it to one of the weekly calls?

If you are booked to capacity, turning away inquiries, or wanting to shoot less weddings, then you are probably ready to start hiring associates.  

You can always take the quiz to see if you're really ready! But if you have to ask, you probably already are. 😉


Have questions? I've got you!

I'd love to help you get the answers you need. Please email me at, and I'll be glad to help!


Michele Hastings, Nikkels Photography

I knew I was leaving money on the table if I didn't bring on a team of associates, plus I wanted to raise my own pricing but still serve my existing clientele. Emily's approach is comprehensive without feeling overwhelming, and now I have two associate photographers I trust to take care of my clients and produce beautiful photos for my brand!

It's time to grow.